Tuesday, July 19, 2016

A Stroke of Good Luck via Allure

This may be the final word on low-fat diets. More and more, research supports a tastier and healthier approach to eating: the Mediterranean diet. One of the latest studies comes from Spain, where researchers found that the menu--means, dairy, seafood, minimally processed whole grains, healthy fats from olive oil and nuts, and an abundance of vegetables and fruits--can virtually eliminate an increased genetic risk of stroke. Among people who have two copies of a particular "stroke gene," those who ate a low-fat diet had three times the usual risk of a stroke, while those who followed the Mediterranean plan had no higher odds than folks who didn't carry the problem gene. An extra payoff: People on flavor- and nutrient-rich diets like the Mediterranean one have an easier time controlling their weight than low-fat eaters, studies suggest.

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