Monday, July 11, 2016

The Dirty Dozen (Spot-Removal Techniques) via Real Simple

To take the usual stain suspects out of carpets and upholstery, these are the best homemade solutions (apply each with a towel).

1. Yard Dirt

Let dry, then vacuum up loose particles. Next, apply 1/4 tsp. nonbleach Dawn, Joy, or clear Ivory dish soap plus 1 cup water. Remove soap residue with a damp towel; blot. Repeat until the stain is gone. Or try Shaw R2X Carpet Stain & Soil Remover.

2. Snow and Salt

The calcium chloride in salty melted ice is alkaline and can leave a brownish stain. First, vacuum up what you can. Next; neutralize with a vinegar solution (1 part white vinegar, 1 part water). Blot with a towel from the edge of the stain inward. Follow with a solution of warm water and dish soap (1/4 tsp. nonbleach Dawn, Joy, or clear Ivory dish soap plus 1 cup water), then remove with a damp towel.

3. Pee

Soak up wetness with a towel. Apply a solution of 1/4 tsp. nonbleach Dawn, Joy, or clear Ivory dish soap plus 1 cup water. Remove soap residue with a damp towel; blot. If the stain persists, blot on an ammonia solution with a damp towel. When the stain is gone, apply a vinegar solution (1 part vinegar, 1 part water). Blot with the damp towel. For odors, also try SSS Bio-Enzymatic Spotter.

4. Blood

Apply a solution of cold water and dish soap (1/4 tsp. nonbleach Dawn, Joy, or clear Ivory dish soap plus 1 cup water). Remove soap residue with a damp towel; blot. If the stain persists, blot on an ammonia solution (1 tablespoon clear household formula plus 1 cup water)with a damp towel. Then use peroxide solution (1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide plus 1 teaspoon household ammonia). Let stand for a few hours. Repeat if necessary. When the stain is gone, blot on a vinegar solution (1 part white vinegar, 1 part water). Follow with a damp towel.

5. Vomit

Apply a solution of warm water and dish soap (1/4 tsp. nonbleach Dawn, Joy, or clear Ivory dish soap plus 1 cup water); blot, don't rub. Remove soap residue with a damp towel; blot. Repeat if necessary. If the stain persists, blot on an ammonia solution (1 tablespoon clear household formula with 1 cup water) with a damp towel.

6. Poop

Apply a solution of warm water and dish soap (1/4 tsp. nonbleach Dawn, Joy, or clear Ivory dish soap plus 1 cup water). Remove soap residue with a damp towel; blot. Repeat. If the stain persists, blot on an ammonia solution (1 tablespoon clear household fomula with 1 cup water) with a warm, damp towel. Or try the two-art Guardsmen Fabric First Aid Stain Remover system. Level 1 is a cleaner, Level 2 is a solvent.

7. Milk

Soak up as much wetness as possible with a towel. Then apply a solution of warm water and dish soap (1/4 tsp. nonbleach Dawn, Joy, or clear Ivory dish soap plus 1 cup water). Remove soap residue with a damp towel; blot. Repeat if necessary. Or try Shaw R2X Carpet Stain & Soil Remover.

8. Tomato Sauce

Scrape off dried sauce, then apply a solution of warm water and dish soap (1/4 tsp. nonbleach Dawn, Joy, or clear Ivory dish soap plus 1 cup water). Remove soap residue with a damp towel; blot. If the stain persists, blot on an ammonia solution (1 tablespoon clear household formula plus 1 cup water) with a warm, damp towel.

9. Food Grease

First try Guardsmen Fabric First Aid Stain Remover Level 1 cleaner (see #6). Apply sparingly to a cloth (not directly to the stain) and work in. If the stain persists, apply Level 2 solvent. Follow with a damp towel, blot excess moisture. Or try Shaw R2X Carpet Stain & Soil Remover.

10. Juice or Berries

Scrap up any solids, then apply a solution of warm water and dish soap (1/4 tsp. nonbleach Dawn, Joy, or clear Ivory dish soap plus 1 cup water). Remove soap residue with damp towel; blot. If the stain persists, blot on an ammonia solution with a warm, damp towel.

11. Marker or Sharpie

First try Guardsmen Fabric First Aid Stain Remover Level 1 cleaner (see #6); apply sparingly to a cloth (not the stain) and work in. If the stain persists, apply level 2 solvent. Follow with a damp towel; blot excess moisture. For walls, use dish soap and wet soft, non-cellulose sponge, which shouldn't harm paint.

12. Ground-in Crayon

Apply a solution of warm water and dish soap (1/4 tsp. nonbleach Dawn, Joy, or clear Ivory dish soap plus 1 cup water), using a wet sponge. Blot from the outside of the stain to the center; reapply as necessary. Remove soap residue with a damp towel; blot. For serious cases, you can also try the Guardsmen Fabric First Aid Stain Remover system (see #6).

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