1. Intruders are most likely to break into your home in July and August, when you are most likely to be on vacation.
2. Keeping a light on the entire time you're out of town will actually alert burglars to the fact that you're not home. Instead, use timers on different lamps or even one on a TV to make it look as if someone is inside the house. And don't let the mail pile up while you are gone, put it on hold.
3. A dead bolt is the safest option, although the screws on the strike plate are usually only about one inch long. Replacing them with three-inch ones can be a better defense.
4. Shrubs outside windows should be three to four feet high, which is tall enough to make getting close to the house a pain, and short enough that he can't hide behind them. Neighbors can also see over these shrubs into your house, which is a bonus deterrent.
5. A home alarm system is always a good idea. Having a loud alarm, even if it isn't connected to your local precinct attracts attention, which is exactly what burglars don't want.
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