Monday, October 26, 2015

How to Eliminate Your Paper Clutter via Good Housekeeping

1. Zone it

Dedicate a specific area (a desk, part of the kitchen counter) to just paperwork, with quick-sort collection spots, say, a tray for bills or a bin for receipts.

2. Pin 'em down

Place daily-use references on walls (e.g. a contacts list on a corkboard), saving your work surface for to-do items only.

3. Clear the deck

Reclaim your out-of-control desktop: take everything off its surface, replace the essentials, and organize what's left for essentials.

4. Try digital

Not ready to go 100% paperless? Get bills mailed and scan or download the hard copies to a PC, then shred the paper versions.

5. Beat buildup

BLock off a half hour on your calendar once a month to toss receipts, old catalogs, magazines, and notes before  they get out of hand.

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