Sandy M. Fernandez chose a few of her most disagreeable habits and devoted a week to improving each. The goal was to achieve a nicer, more livable Sandy.
1. Be more grateful
Humans tend to keep the negative things with us more than the positives. The best antidote is to keep a gratitude journal or writing gratitude letters.
Sandy used a nightly list, and soon she started to feel more lucky, humble, and happy. It also jolted her appreciation for her husband. Setting up habits for yourself in the area also help your children become more grateful.
2. Curbing spending
"Everyone thinks that having more money will make them happier," says Tom Rath, coauthor of Wellbeing: The Five Essential Elements. "If fact, it's feeling in control of your finances that does it." Modest indulgences add up over time. Try checking your balance before you make an electronic purchase.
3. Get organized
Sandy started a family calendar, created a landing pad for mail near her front door, tackled a mounting pile of old clothes, and made lunches for the week: all in a weekend. The key is carving out time in your schedule to let yourself catch up (or get ahead) on your own organization. She also entered a day-long organization binge every six weeks on her calendar.
4. Gossip less
Gossiping is a social staple; trading dirt is as reciprocal as gang initiation. People who don't gossip are often seen as distrustful. Sandy tried extending people the benefit of the doubt in gossip circles, opting to spend less time bringing others down.
5. Make time for me
While every mom does it, the droughts of "me time" can often result in angry lashing out or needless shopping sprees. The most beneficial "me time" activities are those that help you learn, connect with others, or contribute to the community.
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