Monday, October 26, 2015

How to Wrap a Gift Beautifully via Allure

1. Make it right

Natural looking fibers and quality products shine, while overly synthetic appearances detract. It doesn't matter how beautiful your material is if you don't fold and tape neatly.

2. Pick a theme

Traditional paper is not memorable. Adding ribbon, lace, or matching your own similar style is more eye-catching.

3. Get personal

Be inspired by the recipient of your gift. Wrap the present in plain white paper and glue on photos of your friend. Use a ribbon that matches the colors in a prominent photo. Stamp their initials on. You can also match the style of the wrapping to the gift itself.

4. Add adornments

Adding small trinkets or additional flourishes can make the packaging look like a decoration, or can connect to something the recipient enjoys.

5. Be resourceful

Scarves, bandanas, or even newspapers with the right fix can work as gift wrap in a pinch.

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