Monday, October 26, 2015

How to Arrange Your Books via Allure

Interview with Miles Redd, creative director of Oscar de le Renta Home

1. Mix it up

No one needs to see your old textbooks, but I actually like the way paperbacks look, blended in with hardcovers. Removing a dust jacket is also a brilliant idea if it's bright or ugly.

2. Push forward

Slide your book sup so they almost touch the front edge of the shelf. They spines will read as a solid facade, and it will help make the bookcase look like a strong piece of furniture, rather than a jumbled mess.

3. Edit yourself

Tchotchkes look best in front of books or sandwiched in the middle of a row. Objects floating on the sides just look like random bookends.

4. Don't overthink

I'm not organized enough to divide by books by genre or color, which sounds tedious anyway. I arrange them by height. Small books, such as novels, go on the upper shelves, large design books go on the lower shelves so they're easier to reach.

5. Use photos sparingly

People have a tendancy to see empty shelves and put tons and tons of pictures on them, which never looks good. Bookshelves really are meant for books.

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