Thursday, October 22, 2015

How to Say No . . . via Allure

1. . . . to your hairstylist:

If you stylist suggests something you don't want, say something along the lines of "Let me think about it. Maybe next time," to soften the blow. Then you can state your opposition outright at your next appointment without seeming rude. Stylists that continue to insist on styles you don't want may need to be reconsidered.

2. . . . to your boss:

Saying the actual word "no" to your boss should be avoided, so start with "Unfortunately, I have something planned," or something similarly vague. Follow up with the matter-of-fact phrase "I won't be able to work." Immediately follow with "Let's see what we can do to get the work done," as a proposal. Prove your dedication, then fix the problem, and preserve your self-respect.

3. . . . to a charity request:

Determine ahead of time what causes deserve your attention and stick to it. You can explain to those seeking your contributions that you have already made your contributions for the year. Ask friends to send notes about their charities, so you can consider them another time.

4. . . . to a salesperson:

Inform them that you will look around and find them when you find what you are looking for. That gives them the incentive to still be available if you need them.

5. . . . in general.

If you can't bring yourself to say "no," ask for some time to think it over or get back to the person. It will give you time to plan your response, and gain courage.

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