Monday, October 26, 2015

Comfort and Joy via Good Housekeeping

When children are small, they always greet their parents with enthusiasm and cry when they leave. As they get older, they begin to feel indifferent toward the comings and goings of their parents. Similarly, husbands and wives who have been married longer slowly and surely stop kissing each other when they walk in the door.

Hug more, kiss more, touch more. This resolution doesn't require any addition time, energy, or money, yet it makes a difference in the atmosphere of your home. It makes each person feel more loved. When that resolution is applied to coming home, each person is welcomed and acknowledged when they return to the ones they love. However, everyone has to participate.

"Anytime one of us comes home or is leaving, we have to pay attention to that person for a minute. Let's give warm greetings and farewells." This was the resolution. "We've fallen into some bad habits of not paying attention, and it's important to show affection for each other. It's hard to be interrupted in the middle of something, but this is important."

Surprisingly, without much nagging or resentment, this can happen. It can create small moments of real connection between family members. It feels like a natural thing to do, and the more you do it, the more it becomes a habit. Studies have shown that we are more likely to feel connected to family members that express emotions than ones who do not. By acting in a loving way, we prompt loving feelings within ourselves. We show more love and feel more love.

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